Visual basic codes
Visual basic codes

visual basic codes visual basic codes

This combination make it very useful for checking unusual design scenarios not covered by regular analysis software.

visual basic codes

An automatic meshing routine, as well as a user-defined mesh density also feature. All regular forms of loading are allowed for as are fixed displacements and spring supports. Its benefits are that the second moment of area, as well as the modulus of elasticity can be varied throughout the beam, in steps or curves or even a mixture of the two. It is a finite-element analysis package for beams alone. This program is the most comprehensive I’ve written in Visual Basic. The programs are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Note that the inclusion of the run time files bloats the download. The source codes are given, as are some of the installation programs. Mostly they are useful for the code snippets, but there are some fully-fledged applications here also. The following programs are written in Visual Basic 6.

Visual basic codes